My Favorite Webcomics

Ok, this is a lighter post! Here is a list of the webcomics I read on a daily basis (or near-daily basis), and why I like them. — Questionable Content: Jeph Jacques

This is the first webcomic I really got into, and a huge reason is because of the compelling characters. They definitely behave the way real people behave, and the conflicts and triumphs are all real. My favorite character pairing isn’t active anymore, but I’m holding out hope! I encourage you to start from the beginning and click through over the course of a few days/weeks; it will totally be worth it! — Girls with Slingshots: Danielle Corsetto

This is the story of girls and their lives. Sometimes single, sometimes not, sometimes drunk (ok, a lot of the time drunk) this is a funny, relatable comic with adorable art.

p.s. I really want this×11-print?ref=v1_other_2, which is a print of one of the strips…love it. — Bunny: Huw “Lem” Davies

This is an ADORABLE comic about bunnies. Some devious bunnies, some clueless bunnies, all cute bunnies. I love the art style of this comic.

p.s. visit the store! The author sews all the plushies himself! (I want one, I want one, I want one!) — Sore Thumbs: Chris Crosby and Owen Gieni

The story between main love interests in the first ‘section’ of this comic I what drew me in, and the beautiful pink-haired girl! The full-color art and slow-moving story keep me coming back, I just can’t wait to see what happens next! — Cyanide and Happiness: Kris, Rob, Matt and Dave

It’s a daily dose of darker humor. Usually funny in a way that makes you say “No, no, no…hahaha” — Unshelved: Gene Ambaum and Bill Barnes

A comic about librarians (yeah, I didn’t know they were funny either!). Despite it being about a library, you may recognize the character types from your own workplace: the young guy, the cranky older lady, the stickler for the rules, the overly cheery one. — Dinosaur Comics: Ryan North

This may be a strange comic, but the dialog is always funny, sometimes thought provoking. It repeats the same picture each day, and you may think that would get boring, or that the characters would be flat, but it’s amazing how you start to ‘know’ T-Rex after a while… — Bellen: Box Brown

Bellen is the story about a typical, if sweet, couple. Sometimes its touching, sometimes it’s funny. I hate to miss a day in the life of Ben and Ellen. — Kawaii Not: Meghan Murphy

This is a comic about cute things (“Kawaii” being the Japanese for “Cute”) that start out cute and then turn…not so cute. Which is cute. And the art is adorable.

p.s. the icons page ( is full of funny if you only have a few minutes to stop by. — Diesel Sweeties: Richard Stevens

A comic set in a future society where robots have gained sentience, and instead of gaining superiority over humans, tend to develop relationships with them. Oh, and it’s done 8-Bit style throughout. Oh, and there’s an ex-porn star. Very funny, mostly relationship-based humor.

Ok, well that’s it for tonight. There are a couple more I rarely miss, but I haven’t been reading them long enough to form concrete opinions yet. Hope you find something you like in here.


~ by fayeelizibeth on 06.21.2010.

One Response to “My Favorite Webcomics”

  1. I love webcomics, they brighten my work day.

    You should check out, It’s really entertaining. I digested their archive in like a week I was so addicted and they update daily so it’s a good guilty pleasure.

    Love the list, I am checking these out right now… work be damned!

    I’d love it if you’d check out my blog sometime!

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